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Add Bb Clarinet fingering diagrams to Avid Sibelius notation

Started by Tony Edge, October 10, 2017, 10:16:17 PM

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Tony Edge

October 10, 2017, 10:16:17 PM Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 10:41:00 PM by Tony Edge Reason: insert youtube
Clarinet fingering for Avid Sibelius

Using Sibelius Plugin Tin Whistle Fingering written by Bob Zawalich
Tin Whistle Fingering
Copyright Bob Zawalich. All rights reserved.

The clarinet (E3 to F6) has a wider range of notes  than the Tin Whistle.
Using the new version of TinWhistle plugin  Version 01.16.00 written by Bob Zawalich allows mapping of four octaves.

Without any modifications to the program file TinWhistleFingering.plg can produce fingering diagrams for the Bb Clarinet.
Using a new clarinetBb.ttf font file

The free Saxophone.ttf font download can be downloaded from http://learnsax.co.uk/docs/Saxophone.ttf

This font and and information can be downloaded free of charge for both
personal and commercial use similar to the Creative Commons Licence. Distribution for a fee is not allowed.
Download the zip file from
Open the full pdf instructions
Download the full instructions as .doc

From Tony Edge  http://learnsax.co.uk
Forum  http://learnsax.co.uk/talk

Installation with Windows 7 32 bit with Sibelius 7.5
Install the tinwhistle plugin from Sibelius 7.5
Copy the        clarinetBb.ttf to
C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Avid\Sibelius 7.5\Plugins
Select the category where your Tin Whistle Fingering program is installed.
Click on the new true type font clarinetBb.ttf  and install.
Follow the instructions in (PartA)

Installation.  with Windows 7 32bit .    Sibelius 6.
Unzip the Clarinet-Fingering.zip  file.
To create a new plugin folder Clarinet-Fingering
The contents contain the following files and a folder of  the source PNG-Glyphs
        Adding fingering to notes with the Tin Whistle Fingering plugin in Sibelius.pdf
        Clarinet fingering for Avid Sibelius and install instructions.doc
        Clarinet fingering for Avid Sibelius and install instructions.pdf
        folder PNG-Glyphs
        Using the Tin Whistle Fingering Plugin.pdf

Click on the new true type font clarinetBb.ttf  and install.
The new font will work with Windows applications.

In Windows 7 32 bit.
Copy the new Clarinet-Fingering folder to your plugins folder
Depending on your installation a typical installation would be
(Windows 7 32bit Sibelius 6)
C:\Program Files\Sibelius Software\Sibelius 6\Plugins\Clarinet-Fingering

Sibelius needs to locate the new font.

(PartA)  Open Avid Sibelius
In the right hand panel add clarinetBb
Then in the left hand panel add clarinetBb
Then click on OK. Close down Sibelius and then restart to take effect.

Highlight your clarinet staff  CTRL ALT A.
Click on Clarinet-Fingering and map font to pitches using the new font file clarinetBb
Map the lowest pitch E3
Enter the new map A to l  (lower case L)

Adding the new fingering diagrams.
Select the Clarinet Staff with the shortcut CTRL ALT A
The whole staff is now highlighted if you see some notes in green they are in a different voice they will not produce the new font diagram.
A plugin will fix this problem  Merge to voice 1 (Siblelius 7.5 located in Notes & Rests) The plugin requires Sibelius 6.2 and above.

Contents of the font clarinetBb the Alphabet typed in Microsoft Office using font clarinetBb produce the clarinet fingering characters. The font size can be adjusted. (See the pdf documentation).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  I  j  k  l

A demonstration of the display on YouTube "Stranger on the Shore. By Aker Bilk" with notation and Clarinet finger position's (D4 should not include the
octave/ Speaker-Register key as in the youtube video, The latest clarinetBb corrects this error). Try the Youtube Sibelius-Demo.sib
http://learnsax.co.uk/docs/Sibelius Demo Scores/Sibelius-Demo.sib



To produce your own fonts, one solution is to use a free online
Fingering Diagram Builder
by Bret Pimentel, woodwinds
The output file is.png (Portable Network Graphic) and is a bit map file.

Font files use vector graphics. Fortunately FontCreator Professional 6 by high-logic.com can import bitmap files including .png files created with Fingering Diagram Builder.
Copying files to Sibelius Program files may be stopped due to permission protection.
A free program TakeOwnership makes the changes in seconds.

Tin Whistle Fingering
Copyright Bob Zawalich 2008. All rights reserved.
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.

Version 01.16.00
Added 19 Oct 2010 (last updated 24 Jul 2015)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5 and Sibelius 8.x
Tin Whistle Fingering adds fingering diagrams, which are characters in a special font mapped to specific pitches, under each selected note.
The font Tin Whistle Tab was designed and donated by Blayne Chastain for this plugin, and can be freely distributed.
The zip file contains the plugin, the font, and 2 PDF documents describing the plugin and the font.
Updated 29 October 2010. Now skip notes that are tied to and adds an option to use a fingering only the first time a note appears in the selection.
Updated 23 April 2015. Added more pitch range (4 octaves) and a button to reset the D whistle setting if used for another instrument.
Updated 30 April 2015 to add in a missing default preference value to restore.
Updated 24 July 2015 to add another PDF file explaining how to use the plugin with different fonts
? Download TinWhistleFingering.zip  from Avid Sibelius

Adding fingering to notes with the Tin Whistle Fingering plugin in Sibelius
Bob Zawalich July 23, 2015
Tin Whistle Tab font is free of charge for both personal and commercial use. Distribution for a fee is not allowed. Please credit Blayne Chastain in any publication in which this font appears with the
following copyright notice: "Tin Whistle Tab font ? Blayne Chastain / www.blaynechastain.com"
Copyright ? 2010 Blayne Chastain / www.blaynechastain.com